Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sketch 2

This 2nd sketch has no color at the moment. I'm sure I can integrate someone's illustration into the poster. >.< at least I hope so... This poster's inspiration is Hunchback of Norte Dame's Feast of Fools Festival ^^; I just couldn't get that one puppeteer guy's song out of my head.

Sadly I didn't add color to this one. It's not very informative too.


  1. Like good. Only thing is covering up the illustrators work. But otherwise looks good.

  2. I think that its good at catching the attention of people, and i think that it would look more complete or when color is added. good job

  3. Nice!!! I really like the flow and festive look it has & the simplicity it has as well!

    Can't wait to see the final piece!
