Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Logo Icon

I've been wanting to do this for awhile. Because its so adorable when my little kitten Wes curled into a ball on the couch. So I built this icon off a sleeping curled kitten.

I unintentionally made the curled cat icon into a D. So there is two different logo-icon combinations, the big one on the left and the little one on the bottom right.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mardi Gras Serif and San Serif Final

The second one (San Serif) is a Geometric based one. All the letters are using a circle as their base.

I'm not sure if we were supposed to add color or not. I didn't see the post on the blog mention anything about color so its a simple black and white.

I know I'm terrible at G's ^^;

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

5 examples of display type

Since I can't get the computer that prints to work I decided to just post my 5 examples on the blog instead.
I had better examples from a NYC design school's student portfolio recruitment book but lost the book in my storage. I was afraid something might jump out of the boxes if I went through the mountain of boxes.

Try not to laugh...


Monday, February 11, 2013

Final Poster

I'm not sure if we were supposed to combine the illustration and text in InDesign or Ai/Ps. I admit I was spacing off trying to pick an illustration and forgot to ask Chad...

Anyways here is the FINAL MG poster. I wanted it to be tabloid but it just didn't seem to fit that way. There is two variations of this poster. Both posters are 7.5 x 11 inches.

The only noticeable differences is the backgrounds. Don't ask why circles? I just felt like putting circles.

Just be glad I didn't go crazy and make a sparkle effect in the background ^^ how I would've accomplished that I'm not sure.
Maybe I should've put MG beads instead of the circles but then it would draw attention away from the jester. Maybe it draws too much attention away already?! Should I lighten the green?!

Thanks again to Michelle Eriacho for the jester illustration!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Excuse any cussing from this point on...
I left my USB plugged into the computer in the smaller lab on Thursday (today) from 12 - 1:30 pm with all my files for Page Layout open cause i was still working on them. Now I don't have any back ups of any of y files and have to start from scratch!!!!
I know I'm an idiot for trusting my stuff being safe in the lab. But if anyone sees this USB (picture shown below) can you check it for me. Please and thank you. I named the USB "Snail2."

p.s. I'm going to be late with the Mardi Gras assignment cause I have to start over from the beginning using the posters I posted earlier.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mid-process Poster

Here's a mid process MG poster.
The original illustration was black, white, grey and red. It was very theater-ish and not very Mardi Gras.

Thanks Mitch! This is one of Mitch's illustrations of a jester. 

I'm still working on using the other two jesters for a variation of the poster.

Quick question: Answer honestly! Is the back ground too much with the dots?

Here's a redesign of the original file I was doing. It has the lobo colors (I think.)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sketch 2

This 2nd sketch has no color at the moment. I'm sure I can integrate someone's illustration into the poster. >.< at least I hope so... This poster's inspiration is Hunchback of Norte Dame's Feast of Fools Festival ^^; I just couldn't get that one puppeteer guy's song out of my head.

Sadly I didn't add color to this one. It's not very informative too.

Rough Type

This is an extremely rough draft! I'm not sure on the color just yet so i left it black and white. The smaller text is similar but not as curly. This was the most decorative type out of the three. Its also the only one i found "eye catching."

Sorry about my lateness.

Yeah, this is my first sketch. The colors aren't exactly right at the moment but I'm going to change them later to match whichever Illustration someone else has. This is poster-ish text layout.

The second sketch below it I skewed the text. No I didn't rasterize the text or anything. I made the Mardi Gras text using the pen tool with a few tweaks here and there from its original form. This one is small flyer text layout.

I only used two colors (might be three if you count white.) Also limited my typefaces to two.