Monday, April 1, 2013

National Library Week Poster

Stayed up all night working on this... Enjoy.

The poster is 36 x 24 inches. Only three colors were used (black, cyan, magenta. I was aiming for a comic-webtoon poster. Still trying to finish the second poster for independent studies.

I completely forgot to post that I posted my independent studies poster on my IS blog not this one. So just click  on the link in the above headers thing and it will take you to my IS blog, Also I tweaked this poster about an hour after I made this post to make the words pop more. And the covering of the bubbles is meant to be a joke thats why its partially covered,

Was told I should post both posters on this blog so I might get more feedback. ~(-.-)~ Here's what the 2nd post says:

I WAITED 45 MINUTES for this image to UPLOAD!!! And then it tells me the image failed cause it was too big!!! I just barely shrunk the image down to half its size so it would upload.

Reminder I have updated versions of these posters cause I worked on them some more after posting them only I haven't found the time to save them as jpeg files and post them on the web. They will be updated some more with everyone's comments taken into mind before or on monday.


  1. Great! Your good to go. (You might want to nudge the bubbles around a little. I would like to know what Pink Riding Hood is saying though.)

  2. Good start. Try to nudge your type a bit higher to where it makes it smoother for the eye. Try to adjust your "April" the A seems to blend in and loose its appearance. As it was said before, move the bubbles around to where it is seen by all to understand the joke within the peice.

  3. Good Start. Think It Would Help To Make What The Little Fairy Thing Is Saying Stand out More. Possibly Make It Bigger Since It's Trying To Promote A Library.

  4. Cool work with those splatters. The splatters could be scaled a tiny bit bigger so it doesn't interfere with your type too much, since you're using a script font. Was a bit hard to distinguish the B and s in the second poster. Nice work with your second poster, I liked that one more.

  5. NICE!! I like..., both posters stand out great. Just make the words notice when working with pink.
